Best WordPress Visually Impaired Plugins

Tips Wordpress Plugins


Website accessibility is a critical aspect of inclusivity in the digital world. For individuals with visual impairments, navigating and interacting with websites can be challenging. Thankfully, WordPress offers a range of visually impaired plugins that enhance website accessibility and provide a seamless browsing experience for all users. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best WordPress plugins designed to make websites more accessible to visually impaired users.

1. WP Accessibility

WP Accessibility is a comprehensive plugin that addresses various aspects of web accessibility. It offers a wide range of features, including improving keyboard navigation, adding skip links, enhancing focus styles, and providing accessible color contrast options. This plugin ensures that your WordPress website meets accessibility standards and is user-friendly for individuals with visual impairments.

2. WP ADA Compliance Check Basic

WP ADA Compliance Check Basic is a powerful tool to assess and enhance the accessibility of your WordPress site. It scans your website for potential accessibility issues and offers suggestions to improve compliance with accessibility guidelines, including those outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This plugin is an excellent resource for ensuring your website is accessible to all users.

3. Accessibility Widget

The Accessibility Widget plugin allows users to adjust the font size, contrast, and color schemes of your website to suit their preferences. This empowers visually impaired users to customize the appearance of the site according to their needs, making it easier for them to read and interact with content. The widget is placed prominently on the site for easy access.

4. WP-Super-Cache

Website speed is crucial for all users, including those with visual impairments. WP-Super-Cache is a caching plugin that improves website loading times. While not a dedicated accessibility plugin, faster loading times can significantly benefit visually impaired users who rely on screen readers or other assistive technologies to navigate websites.

5. Accessible Poetry

Accessible Poetry is a unique plugin that enhances the reading experience for visually impaired users by providing audio renderings of poems. It uses the HTML5 Web Speech API to convert text content into speech, allowing users to listen to poetry instead of reading it visually. This plugin opens up the world of literature to those who might have difficulty reading traditional text formats.

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6. Easy WP Accessibility

Easy WP Accessibility is a user-friendly plugin that simplifies the process of making your WordPress site accessible. It includes features such as font resizing, color contrast adjustments, and link highlighting. The plugin focuses on enhancing usability for all users, with particular attention to those who are visually impaired or have other accessibility needs.

7. Speakker

Speakker is a text-to-speech plugin that converts written content into audio format. It provides an additional layer of accessibility for visually impaired users who may struggle to read text on the screen. By clicking a button, users can have the content read aloud to them, enhancing their browsing experience and making your website more inclusive.

8. Access Monitor

Access Monitor is an accessibility testing plugin that scans your WordPress site for potential accessibility issues. It offers suggestions and guidelines to help you address accessibility concerns effectively. Regularly using this plugin can ensure that your website remains accessible and user-friendly for individuals with visual impairments.

9. WP Accessibility Helper

WP Accessibility Helper is a versatile plugin that provides a range of accessibility enhancements for your WordPress site. It offers features like image alt-text suggestions, keyboard navigation improvements, and color contrast adjustments. This plugin empowers website owners to create a more accessible and user-friendly environment for all visitors.

10. UserWay Accessibility Widget

UserWay Accessibility Widget is a robust tool that offers a customizable accessibility menu on your website. It allows users to adjust settings such as text size, contrast, and cursor highlighting. Additionally, the widget includes a screen reader, helping visually impaired users to navigate and interact with your content seamlessly.


Ensuring website accessibility for visually impaired users is a crucial step towards creating an inclusive online environment. The WordPress visually impaired plugins mentioned in this article provide a range of solutions to enhance accessibility, from improving text-to-speech capabilities to offering customizable settings that accommodate different needs. By incorporating these plugins into your WordPress site, you contribute to a more accessible web for everyone, regardless of their visual abilities.

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